Would you like to watch the Han River sunset with me at the K-STUDIO?

K-STUDIO offers a beautiful view of the Han River sunset.
Don't miss out on various experiences and games like the Han River Race, photo booths, food trucks, busking, and Hangul study

K-Food Street

At a food truck that sells delicious K-food
purchase your food, take a seat, and enjoy!

Let's Go! Han River Race!

A racing game where you ride a jet ski and race across the Han River!
Let's see who can challenge to go the furthest!

Busking Zone, Photo Zone

Singing by the Han River is such a great experience, if you sing well, like are a must
You can also take photos in trending poses, and it’s all free.

Hangul Class

If you like Korea but learning Hangul is difficult, come here
They teach everything from speaking to writing!